TEIRUI-SEKI(Stone of weeping)
UMEGIKU has once agreed to her husband to let her loving son renounce the world and make him a monk,but her emotion was too strong to give up totally and she met her son YAKUOU-MARO.
”I have made up my mind to master the one and only way of Buddha in order to help others in the world”,said YAKUOU-MARO.”if you visit me like this my mind wavers.please do not visit me agaain.”
UMEGIKU answered in tears:”then I will sit on this stone by the temple and pray for your wellbeing”
This is said to be the very stone that mentioned to her son.
NYONIN-DOU(Hall for female)
LONG ago female was prohibited to enter Mt.Kiyodumi,therefore female paid re-spct and worshipped in the buillding. Saint NICHIREN who become a monk at ago of 12 has met his birth mother UMEGIKU at this hall.It is said that he told his mother never to visit him again,because her visit markes him miss his home and stops him concentrate to his studying.
UMEGIKU wished the saint’s belief and his greaness in his later life,and never visited the mountain since then.